Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My 2-mo. "a Catch-up"

WE GOT OUR BLOG PAGE FIXED! We couldn't even get it through the internet!! That is why you haven't heard from us! Thanks to Gary and Judy--I can now que you all in on our "doings"!! Grandpa is still happy & healthy--thank goodness!==and busy in the workshop or temple. I try to use up any of his "spare time"--if I get the chance!! Since my last entry--I think I have had 3 chemo treatments. They went pretty good--like usual--except the last one! That was Mon. Dec. 10--I think my red blood corpuscles are low--that is the way I read the lab tests--so I have had a slower time getting going and finding some energy!! I hope I can talk the Dr. into giving me a shot of it on the Jan. 7 treatment!! But I am glad that I can still take care of meals and just accomplish one or two little things in a day!! I'll be "fit as a fiddle" this next Sun. nite for the family Christmas Get-together!! We will have the eats ready at 5:30 so come ready to eat um up! I would like the girls to please bring a salad or something for a relish dish. I will have everything else that's needed! I hope my 2 large English cucumbers will be good by then! Hope you are all ready for Christmas by now--I'm not quite--but will be! Love you all! Mom

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Update on the Christmas Plans...

Hello, All -
Thanks for your comments to the blog. We have a few more people who have figured out how to get on and comment. Cindy doesn't know how to get on to actually initiate a post. I think we'll have to review all that with everyone so we can continue to communicate through the blog. I had a phone call from Mom (Grandma, Martha) earlier this week and she said they can no longer even get onto the blog page at all from their computer and they need some help from Gary or Judy to figure out how to even get the page.

Meanwhile, as to the suggestions from everyone, as I suspected, Mother has some strong opinions as to what will happen for the party. Particularly the food. She has some meatballs that she wants to make and she also intends to make a potato casserole. She says we are free to accessorize those dishes with whatever we choose but she feels strongly that we need a meal rather than just desserts, especially for the younger kids who don't need all that sugar. I was quite sure that was how she would feel about it. She feels strongly that she will be up to making the above two items and wants to make them. She also says she has all the paper products and wants to use what she has. She and Dad definitely intend to host the party at their house.

There will be a white elephant gift exchange among the first cousins. The entire generation of first cousins will bring a white elephant gift (anyone who wants to participate - in-laws are certainly welcome, but none of the children of Larry and Martha will participate in this.) Bring your white elephant gift - anything you choose, for this event.

There is a rotation gift exchange among the siblings - Robert and Chris have Steve, Steve has Marla, Marla and Gary have Judy and Roger, Judy and Roger have Sheila and John, Sheila and John have Penni and Arne, Penni and Arne have Cindy and Vern, and Cindy and Vern have Robert and Chris. Several people have been asking for or offering gift ideas, so check in with each other if you are in need of those. I'm also hearing lots of people who are interested in gift ideas for Mom and Dad. Dad has suggested homemade or service gifts.

Robert and Chris are overseeing the program this year and we'll be in touch with each of you for participation in the coming week. The party is scheduled for Sunday, December 23 at 6 p.m. We hope everyone possible can be there. Good luck on all your Christmas prep!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Plans...

I'm just forging ahead writing things on this blog that I hope are of general interest to the Packard Family. I know that Grandma has requested that we not interpret her feelings or talk about her responses to treatments but to let her speak for herself. I think that's fair and hope she will continue to do that. But I also think this blog can be a great communication tool for the entire family if we will all use it, contribute to it and benefit from it.

So, the plans are for the Packard Family Christmas Party on Sunday, December 23 and I understand that at Thanksgiving Dinner at Penni's the decision was made to begin the gift rotation again, different from what we've done the past couple of years. And we will begin this year with the person just beneath us which means Robert and I have Stephen and Stephen has Marla, etc. Sounds great. I also think what I understand is that all the cousins will participate again in a White Elephant exchange. There will be no white elephant exchange among the adults, just the cousins, and all the cousins no matter what age will participate in that. If they want to participate as couples they bring one gift and receive one gift and if they want to participate at individuals they bring two gifts and receive two gifts. Is that accurate? And that's it. Should make things easier. I suspect there will also be some exchanging of small gifts among all the siblings as there usually has been in the past.

Has there been any decision-making as to what time we're beginning, what we are eating and who's bringing it, and whether there is any program? Dad has usually asked someone to oversee the program and I assume he is doing whatever he wants done with that again. Are Sheila, John and girls coming? We hope so! Our kids from out of town will be arriving that morning and I'm trying to decide what I need to feed them after church at our house depending on what time we're starting the Packard party and how full a meal we expect that to be. Is there any help needed with set-up of tables or chairs? I know my need for organization and planning probably drives everyone in the family crazy, but it helps me to know what to expect. So, again, if anyone is reading this, please comment and let's make some decisions.

Thanks, gang.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanks to All Our Pie Bakers

Thanksgiving Pie Night was a great success - so many yummy pies. Thanks to everyone who came, who baked and who ate. We had a great time - hope you did too!

I think the final count was 13 pies - pumpkin, pecan, lemon meringue, cherry, peach, jumbleberry...pretty darn good stuff.

Hope you all have leftovers to enjoy!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thanksgiving Pie Night

Well, judging from my last post, Shellie, Stacie and I are the only people still reading this blog. I hope that's not true...and Marla assures me she looks at it, but no one responded with a comment to my last post so I don't know whether anyone else will see this.

Robert and I would like to invite you all to Thanksgiving Pie and Game Night on Thursday, Thanksgiving night. By then you'll all have digested your turkey and your first round of pie and you'll undoubtedly be ready for the second round. We'll start about 7 p.m. Bring your favorite (or leftover) pie and your gaming spirit. We'll have whipped cream, cool whip and ice cream to decorate the pie and whatever games people want to play.

Please let us know if you're coming so we're sure to be prepared with all we need. Again, it's 7 p.m. on Thanksgiving Night and all the Packard family is invited. Please RSVP. I know Judy and Roger are coming. And Grandma and Grandpa are going to try to come. Anyone else??? We'd love to see you. Hope you can make it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is Anyone Still Reading This??

It appears that no one is contributing to it and virtually no one is commenting on it. I still believe this is a great way to stay in touch with the family and hope everyone in all generations of the Larry Packard family who is reading it will leave a comment and let us know you're still interested.

I hear that Mom and Dad are in Tucson tonight at Tara's final piano recital there before they all take off for El Paso tomorrow. We wish them the best and want Tamara and Tara especially to know that they are in our prayers because some of us know first hand how difficult a move is at that age. We hope things go well for you and that you will know that you are loved and missed.

Robert and I visited with Mom and Dad on Sunday evening looking ahead to the chemo treatment for yesterday. I think Mom is doing remarkably well - especially in her optimism and positive spirit. She's a good example to all of us. She had had Cindy and her family to dinner that evening to celebrate Cindy's birthday. They gave us all the updates from being with Velma's family at Alvin's funeral. We enjoyed seeing the pictures of all the cousins.

Hope everyone is doing well and it would be great to hear from you if you see this post. Take care, all.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I sure hope I get in this time!

I just wrote a long blog and I guess I punched the wrong thing "cause it disappeared" and I cannot find it! This is the 2nd or 3rd time I have done this! I'll never catch on to this darn computer! This had been a "Bonus Good Week" as the chemo was delayed a week! We were able to get into the hosp. and Dr. and have the "port" put in the left shoulder last Tues.--all went well! Now I won't have to go thru 3 (experts?) nurses to find a vein each time I have a shot! And each nurse gave me 2-3 "punches" with the needle! Fun?! Ha! This Mon. I will have the chemo--I wonder how it will affect me this time?! Probably just weak for a week or so! So wish me luck!! If the chemo schedule continues as it should--every 3 weeks--the Sun. , Dec. 23rd, will be great for me for the Family Xmas Party! How about all of you? Maybe we could get Steve to stay for Xmas day too! Please let us know! I'll try to do better--or have Grdpa do it!! Love ya~!
Grandma P. (Mom, or Martha)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holiday Plans...

At Audra's baptism dinner last Saturday the question of holiday plans came up. Penni, Cindy, Marla, Mom and I were all discussing best night for the Packard family party. Our kids come into town on Sunday the 23rd in the morning, so that evening is my first choice. Does anyone else have family coming in and what are others' thoughts? We're wondering if Sheila and John are planning to come in from El Paso for the Christmas holidays. I'm also wondering what's happening with the gift exchange(s). Please weigh in and share your thoughts.

It's probably difficult to predict what the chemo schedule will be - I know it's been delayed until October 8 this next time and I don't think there's any way to predict that it will always be every three weeks after that. I think a variety of things can change the schedule. So I would suspect that holiday plans will be somewhat tentative depending on how Mom is feeling.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Martha Sep 14

As per usual, Martha is at the bottom of her chemo cycle. She has been quite weak yesterday and today. She got up while Judy was here and helped peal a few peaches. It doesn't take long to wear her out. At meal time, she eats a couple bites and can't eat any more. One good thing is that her shoulder that pained her so long is not hurting now. We don't quite know why, but we are glad for the relief. We thank all of you for your support.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Martha Sep 12

Martha had her second chemo Monday. She did fairly well. Today, Wed, her energy level is low. In some ways she thinks she is a little better than the Wed after her first chemo, but I think she has been a little lower. Thurs and Fri will be the rough days. Chris came for a visit which was appreciated. We appreciated Marla coming and fixing supper. Martha is ready for bed. Good night.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The New Look!

Thanks to Chris we got a picture on the blog. Give me your opinions of what you think about my new look.

Today has been a good day. I attended all my meetings - the whole block. I'm looking forward to an even better week.

(Chris's note): I think Grandma's voice sounds stronger and she looks better and less tired. It's good to see her looking good. The cough seems much better too.

And guess what! The right shoulder stopped hurting last Thursday when Sheila massaged me. Cindy also massaged it and it's much better - hasn't hurt at all since then. What an amazing relief!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Good Week!!!

Each day has been better than the day before!! I now have the "New Look"! Thurs. we bought me a nice wig so I will be ready for that GREAT day when I am a "baldy"!! Then on Fri. I had my hair cut the same as it and curled it and it really matches up well!! Daddy really likes it--me too, as the fans don't blow it all over!! He took some pictures and when I find out how to do it, I'll put one on here! We went with our "Fri. nite dinner gang" and games last nite--Dad won one game of Wizard! We drove and had Betty & Ray Wms. with us so we came home about 8, Larry found a football game to watch and I ended up in bedroom (it's warmer in there) and found "The Sound of Music" to watch until 10:30!! (I'm getting a little later each nite!!) Next week will be even better! and then the next Mon.(10th) we start again! Those 3-5 days of body aches arn't fun but I'll know what to look forward to! I want to thank all for your love, prayers, and support and help!! We love you-all, Mom & Dad (Grdma & Grdpa)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


We visited the pulmonologist this morning to have a test of Martha's oxygen. Surprisingly her count was in the 90s. It would have to have been 88 or below for her to go on oxygen. It is still hard for her to breath. She seems to be doing a little better today. She wants to suggest to people not to call her after 9pm. I'm glad she is feeling a little better although she tires easily.

Grandma's version

This is Grandma. I have bee much better today. Of course, there are always times when it's harder to breath. Feels like I can't take in enuf oxygen! I really haven't felt as bad as others tell it!! It all goes along with it tho!!! I have enjoyed reading all your web pages--except I have a hard time with the Garrity's--too complicated for an old hen like me! I put a comment on Trevors and couldn't get it to go on--I didn't know what to put in "image"! Judy wasn't home to help. I want to thank Alisha and the boys for the pictures and drawings! They were Great! It's time to start for bed so Goodnite ALL!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Martha plays with Penny's baby.

Today I had a chance to visit with Larry and Martha at lunch time. I knew Martha was feeling better when she wanted to fix me lunch! I had already eaten, so last weeks enchilada loaf will be somebody elses treat! Penny came by for a follow up visit with her two darling little kids. The little girl was fast asleep and the boy was cute as could be and played with Grandma who got him to smile and giggle, I think it did both of them some good.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Martha's condition Friday was pretty tough. Saturday she was very weak. I think her coughing was a little less. She doesn't sleep well. She is hurting in the abdomen. Her back is beginning to hurt more. Sunday, I think she is a little better. She didn't sleep well. Her back hurts as well as her shoulder. She didn't attempt to go to church. This is the first time that she didn't at least go to Sacrament meeting during this illness. She doesn't eat much at a time. Cindy, Marla and Gary came Saturday. Marla and Gary have been here today, Sunday.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Well, today mom wasn't doing well. She said she felt like a truck had run over her. Because of the coughing, made her joints ache all over. If it wasn't for the coughing I think she would feel better. It makes me hurt to hear her. Food was fine, she had left over potato soup for lunch and desired only chicken noodle soup for supper. By the way, I have told some but not others, Jen was accepted to join the Chandler Symphony, 1st violin section. She is quite excited.School started this week and she is going to be kept really busy. School, working full time, Symphony, and 2nd counselor in R.S. MCC College ward.We are as always proud of her!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday Evening

I just called Dad to check on Mom. He said it was a bad evening. Alot of coughing, wishing she could throw up, and really tired, as well as joints achy.In my opinion the coughing would be the worst thing to have I hope she realized that she did too much. She said that the 3-5 day after the chemo (she was told) is the worst. Her nausea started tonight and she is very fatigued. I guess she takes 3 pills, 3 days(i think 1 a day) before the chemo shot. She called them her adreniline booster pills. Because that's what they are to do. But she can't take them any more than 3 days before. She said that's why she was feeling so well for the last 3 days.Dad gets home from the temple about 9:30 am on thurs. and fri. I think Saturday, we'll have to see about how she will be doing and helping with anything that day. I have a R.S. ward Service in which I am in charge of and will be gone from 8-10 am. Dad usually leaves for the temple around 9:15 or so.

Wednesday's Update

Hello All -
I just spoke with Dad. I called over to see how things are. He said that Mom is up, going and feeling well - in the midst of making bread! He said that she's continued to do very well since the chemo - has had no nausea and the only effect they can see is that her coughing has increased which they were told was likely to happen. He said she's been sleeping "pretty well." All is well over there - we'll see how the rest of the week goes. Judy said she had heard that Days 3-5 after chemo are the worst. That would be tomorrow (Thursday) through Saturday. If this first time through things go a little easier, that will be a great blessing.

Trying to look ahead, one thing Robert and I have mentioned to each other is that Dad's schedule at the temple is usually Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I don't know how she'll be doing tomorrow, but if he is at the temple it would be a good thing for some of us to try to stop by over the next few days and see how things are going - or at least call.

Robert and I are leaving early Friday morning for a week in Louisville and Detroit to see Robby and Shannon, Stacie, Matt - and celebrate Jacob's first birthday. We'll stay in touch through the blog but we unfortunately won't be around to help with anything if something comes up. We'll be back home Saturday, September 1 around noon.

T.J. e-mailed today to say he's been transferred and called to be a district leader. He's been out 10 1/2 months now. He's having great teaching experiences. A new Brazilian mission president arrived July 1 and he's taken a pretty autocratic approach to the mission which has been a little disconcerting to the missionaries, but things seem to be settling down.

I'm really glad we're able to be in touch with each other through this blog. Thanks again Justin and Judy.

Dinner for Larry and Martha

I think Penny's suggestion of a dinner schedule during Martha's week of Chemo is a good idea, as long as Martha will allow it. As we all know, she takes some pride in spoiling us by what she fixes us for our meals. Although she will deny it, she is rather particular about what is served and how it is prepared and served. In her current state, I don't think she wants somebody else to mess with her food preperation. I worry that she would spend more time fussing about what needs to be done to it to make it suitable for Larry (and Martha) than just eating and enjoying it. Do any of you know what their favortie resturants are? I may be more inclinded to order something for them or provide a gift certificate/card for something I know they like. On a related subject, what about clean up in the kitchen? In my 32 years of marriage, I have yet to load the dishwasher good enough that Judy doesn't come and rearrange it after I'm done. Amazingly, I manage to make it work when she is away from home but even with post-graduate degrees, I have yet to meet the "Packard" criteria. Point being, who is going to teach Larry how to properly do it? I suggest one of the Packard daughters! Roger

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How to say something visible

Hey everybody,
In order to see your post, you create an account (free) and when you come to the site, you sign in and then press the button that says View Blog. It puts you back to the site you saw first but up at the top right there will now be a choice to POST. You press that and then you can post what you want to say and it's not just a comment.
Remember, you have to sign in.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hi Everybody!
Justin got this site going so that any and all information and communication can occur with and about Mom and all that's going on. It might save a sore neck for Mom and Dad at times when a lot of people may want to know how things are going. In order to post messages, you need to make a new account the first time (free) and then sign in when you visit after that. Hope it works!