Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Fun Stuff...

Grandma wants some new fun things on her blog - so let's give her a couple of fun pictures. These were taken on Grandpa's 85th birthday, July 7. Grandma's sporting a great new hairstyle - very COOL for the summer time. Grandpa looks great. A belated Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

And also a pic of Grandma and Grandpa with the three children who were in town to help celebrate.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

We Are Still Here!!!

That is, what is left of us!! Yes, it is summer FOR SURE! We have been doing great==healthwise, that is! It is about 102 degrees on my patio now. The TV news will say 112, but don't you believe it!! I have 4 different thermometers that tell me all the same! It is still HOT and the wind is just as hot! The humidity has been high here as we had irrigation this week. We just stay in the house all of the time==there is plenty to be done! Grandpa does work out in his workshop with his water cooler. He has been making some nice things. Lots of work,time, and love goes into his makings tho. He is VERY particular in his work.

I'm doing fine! About a month ago==the lung specialist told me I wasn't ready for the surgery my onocologist thought I should have so I was a little relieved for that. The surgery would have been quite a task and hard on me as I wasn't up to it. I have felt a lot better since and my strength has increased. I seem to keep busy and still not get enough done! We have had dinners, games nites, our "Fri. nite out" gang here, church activities, and you name it--we've done it lately!! Today we went to Charlie Blum's wedding!! Surprised? We were when he called us yesterday and invited us to it!! She is Shauna ? from Sierra Vista. Has 3 boys--7, 12(?), and 17. It was held in the RS room at Marla & Gary's ward. Charlie's boy, Blaine, and Taylor (the girl he raised of Anna's) were there. My! they have grown up--I hadn't seen Taylor for so long--in fact, she was a foot shorter then!(or a foot taller now!).

We'd love to see all or any of you all! Come on over--if you can stand the HOT weather!! We can always play some games and drink something good and cold and eat something good (and fattening! with NO calories!)! We love you all and know that you are always in our prayers!! May you always be blessed and know that the Gospel is true and be thankful for our many blessings!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

"It's About Time"!!

In fact, it is way past time to get this caught up!! We really neglect this blog page! If I knew how to add fun things and pictures to it--like Chris and Stacie do on theirs--I MIGHT get into it more often!! Oh, well, "No news is good news"!! Or is it "Silence is Golden"?
I shall go back about 3 weeks ago--I had my Herceptin treatment on a Mon. morning early and then we took off on the freeway for St. Geo., UT and arrived at Manell's about 7pm. After visiting wuth her on Tues., we went up to Spanish Fork, UT to Larry's sister's, Elaine & Merril Cox. We had a real nice visit with them and went on up to Clearfield on Thurs.--after a nice visit & lunch date with Derek Whitney in Orem. We went back into Salt Lake on Fri. afternoon and visited some friends and then went to the Tahitian missionary reunion with them. We enjoyed that--with about 250 people there! We watched and listened to Conference on TV in Velma's basement on Sat. and Sun. Between sessions, we ate, visited, and enjoyed the great hospitality that Velma always gives us!! Besides the Great meals!! She really overdoes herself!! Neva & Dwayne Brimhall (my sister), also drove up and so we had a good time together!! We had a good trip all the way--getting home on Wed. about 6pm. We brought Jenny and Morgan, her fiance, back from St. Geo. so they could get a uhaul truck and move her furniture from the apartment here to her apartment up there. She is working up there now until they get married in Oct. Since then, we have tried to "catch up" on a few things--but they just don't seem to "catch up"!! I have worked out in my flower planters about 4 hours this week, and have hardly made a dent in them!! I need to do some sewing, I have had Dallin here 2 times--bless him! He sure can explore into everything!!--but I do enjoy him!! We have had 2 Dr. appointments--Thurs. and this Tues. We went to the lung specialist last Tues. He said I wasn't ready for the lung surgery my oncologist thot I should have. I am not short-breathed enuf!! So he will keep tab on me for the next 6 mo. and see how I progress--or if I will even have to have it!! So-o-o, we shall wait and see!! Grandpa is still working in his workshop and the temple. He has spent a lot of time in my behalf--going with me to Dr. and then taking care of the car from a "fender-bender" I had before going to Utah. SHAME ON ME!! But that's life, Hm, Stacie? I shall call it a Night now and go to bed! It is about that time!! Love you all and hope you are doing as well as we are!! GOODNITE!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

This is it for March

I can't believe this! It has been five weeks since I entered on this! But I have checked out some of the family and they don't go into it so I don't think anyone does! So why bother? Bu-u-ut, I shall try again for this time! We don't do very much exciting things around here! 'xcept last Tues., we enjoyed being a part of Cindy and Vern's BIG day in court for Dallin! It all went well and he is now legally their son and our 25th grandchild!! He will be sealed by his grandfather on Sat. Mar. 29th at 12:45 with a luncheon here afterwards and then he will be blessed on Sun. at Sac. Mtg. We are glad it is all over with and that it went off great. I finished his blessing-sealing outfit a month or so ago! We are going up to Utah for reunion and Gen. Conf. and to visit with Manell, Elaine, and Velma and friends. We'll leave the 31st and be back on Wed., Apr. 9th. I have been doing good since it has been 3 mo. since the last chemo treatment. I just get tired and have to have a rest in midday. But I don't get but an average of 4-5 hours sleep at nite so that's ok. I sure know that the shingles area is still alive! the nerves tell me so!! Take care everyone and know we love you and you are each one in our prayers!! Goodnite!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

I cannot believe this! I just wrote a nice long blog report and when I "previewed" it it went blank when I tried to edit a spot! And this DUMB keyboard is not working right and I know Larry won't know how to fix it! Anyhow, I have had a fairly good week and this week will be a busy BETTER week! Our 58th Anniversary is this Sat. and it will be a very busy day besides! So it's good that I am feeling better. I went with Judy and a friend to the temple this afternoon. That was the first session I have had in 1 year! That is terrible! but I am thankful I could go now! I'll have the Herceptin (anti-bacterial "bag") this Mon. I get this every 3 weeks. Then 2 wks. later I get the new one, Zometa (to strengthen the bones), every 4 weeks. The chemo sure does do a lot of damage to the bones and nails! And teeth! I have to go to the Lab Corp on Thurs. for a blood test--each time before the Herceptin. This and going to Dr.'s office and the hosp. to have X-rays taken has kept us running on Mon.-Wed.! We hope you each one have a nice "Lover's Day" and know that you are all loved and are our lovely Valentines!! Have a Great One! Grandma, Mom, Martha, or ? ?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

A two-wk. Catch-up Again!

Time Flies By! A lot has happened this time! The election took a lot of our time and turned out LOUZY in my estimation! When I went for the chemo--I learned that I have not had the chemo for the last 2 times. The Dr. cut it off and added an IV called Zometa--to help strengthen the bones, especially the spine. I got the second one on Mon., Feb 4. I get it every 4 weeks and the Herceptin, (an anti-bacterial IV to keep from getting every bacteria I come in contact with), I get every 3 weeks! They keep Dad and I busy! They each give me a little trouble on the day after! BUT, that's "Life"! This has been a "good" week, if the shingles nerves would just settle down, I'd be NORMAL (well, almost!)!!
I emailed the testimony of Pres. Hinkley's son, Elder Richard (of the Q. of 70), to all of you. When I read it I found that Pres. H. and I have had something in common for the last 2 yrs. or so! He asked his Drs. the very same questions I did at first and got the very same answers! His first chemo was a lite dose as mine was, and was about the same time. I can really feel what it would be like to be 17 years older and take that last chemo treatment he had. I described mine as "3 semi trucks running over me"! Can you imagine, what it would be for a 97 yr. old man? The Lord knew what he would be going thru and called him Home just on time!! Bless Him!! He was--and IS--so Special! I need to go get some letters in the mail, so this will have to end! All of you take care, know we love you, come see us--or give us a call, and above all, KEEP UP THE "GOOD" WORKS! Grandma, Mom, or ? !!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Blue Monday~

We got the sad news about 7:30 last nite. I know we all thought and hoped our beloved Pres. Hinckley would be here forever, yet we all knew that that could not be. About a week ago I happened to think of him in a sad way--wondered just how much longer we would have him with us. He set Larry apart as a sealer in the Tahiti temple in Nov. 1984. At that time he was the 3rd (special) counselor in the presidency. Pres. Kimball was ill (or maybe it was one of the other counselers). He was such a GREAT example, teacher, friend, model of a great and righteous man. He loved the Lord and the Lord loved him and prepared him for his lifetime work. He has certainly won and earned his Great Heavenly reward and his seat on the right side of our Lord and Savior! I keep thinking of how happy Sr. Hinckley and his parents and he are. Bless them all! We have been fairly well this last week. Dad is fine. If it hadn't been for these scars and area of the shingles, I could have had a pretty good week. But they still burn and have sharp pains and we do NOT know what to put on them to help it. It is SO frustrating! Guess we are not smart enough! I will get my chemo on Wed. am instead of today (Mon.). We had a funeral in our ward today so I got it postponed. We love each and everyone of you so please carry on with your GOOD works and know that Heavenly Father loves you too! Grandma,Mom

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2-week Update!

Well, I'm back again!! And the shingles are still with me!! Boy, I hope NONE of you ever get these things! I know I would rather carry and deliver triplets than to have these! They haven't itched so far hardly at all--THEY BURN!! They remind me of the last contractions of a pregnacy! So I feel like I'm going to have a baby!! Wish that was it!! The nerve endings make my insides go into a spasm each time I have a pain--which is about every 15 seconds! Anyhow, they are NOT fun so make sure you don't get stressed out or get a hard bump to bring them on! Of course, a low immune system is a big help too! That's natural!! Otherwise, I have been trying to "come out of it" with the last chemo treatment--a week ago last Mon. We had to go have a bone scan and a chest xray yesterday. There's always something to keep us on the go! I hope you all have got a better start on the New Year than I have!! I guess I'll just have to start when I feel like it!! I sure don't feel like I am accomplishing anything tho!! Maybe I can when the Shingles go away! Take care, all of you! We love you!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Our New Addition

I can't believe it has been 2 weeks (busy weeks) since I wrote in this. We had a real nice Family Christmas Party here on Sun. nite, Tues. we made the rounds to all our childrens' homes in Mesa & Gilbert, Fri. I had a Holiday Dinner & Games for 18 people, Sun. nite we went to Rbt. & Chris 's for dinner with all their children ('cept TJ ), and Sat. I spent 4 hours in the Urgent Care with my "new addition". Wed. a.m. I awoke with my right back hurting--so I thought I might be starting with a kidney infection so I drank a pint of cranberry juice that am. By Thurs. pm I went to Dr. She & I thought it could be an inside bruise or a hairline crack from the fall I took a week before on the grass--I had landed on my r. hip bone. However, I had no after effects--not any bruises anyhow, so I had forgotten about it. I had it x-rayed, and then on Fri. nite as we went to bed at 11:30 Grdpa started to give me my "body brushing" and saw all these big red spots on my r. hip. We had no idea what they were. So Marla and I went to Urgent Care the next am. Yes, it is shingles. BIG blistery shingles. Just what I've NEVER wanted. They haven't itched much--just a little iritated, but my back aches sometimes and I get tired quicker. I'm glad I have an extra week before the chemo treatment this time as I will surely need it. Aside from all this, we are doing pretty good, I think. Did you-all have a good New Years Eve and N.Y. day? We hope so. We want to thank all for coming to the Christmas party and taking part in it. Love you all very much. Grandma, or Mom