Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My 2-mo. "a Catch-up"

WE GOT OUR BLOG PAGE FIXED! We couldn't even get it through the internet!! That is why you haven't heard from us! Thanks to Gary and Judy--I can now que you all in on our "doings"!! Grandpa is still happy & healthy--thank goodness!==and busy in the workshop or temple. I try to use up any of his "spare time"--if I get the chance!! Since my last entry--I think I have had 3 chemo treatments. They went pretty good--like usual--except the last one! That was Mon. Dec. 10--I think my red blood corpuscles are low--that is the way I read the lab tests--so I have had a slower time getting going and finding some energy!! I hope I can talk the Dr. into giving me a shot of it on the Jan. 7 treatment!! But I am glad that I can still take care of meals and just accomplish one or two little things in a day!! I'll be "fit as a fiddle" this next Sun. nite for the family Christmas Get-together!! We will have the eats ready at 5:30 so come ready to eat um up! I would like the girls to please bring a salad or something for a relish dish. I will have everything else that's needed! I hope my 2 large English cucumbers will be good by then! Hope you are all ready for Christmas by now--I'm not quite--but will be! Love you all! Mom

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Update on the Christmas Plans...

Hello, All -
Thanks for your comments to the blog. We have a few more people who have figured out how to get on and comment. Cindy doesn't know how to get on to actually initiate a post. I think we'll have to review all that with everyone so we can continue to communicate through the blog. I had a phone call from Mom (Grandma, Martha) earlier this week and she said they can no longer even get onto the blog page at all from their computer and they need some help from Gary or Judy to figure out how to even get the page.

Meanwhile, as to the suggestions from everyone, as I suspected, Mother has some strong opinions as to what will happen for the party. Particularly the food. She has some meatballs that she wants to make and she also intends to make a potato casserole. She says we are free to accessorize those dishes with whatever we choose but she feels strongly that we need a meal rather than just desserts, especially for the younger kids who don't need all that sugar. I was quite sure that was how she would feel about it. She feels strongly that she will be up to making the above two items and wants to make them. She also says she has all the paper products and wants to use what she has. She and Dad definitely intend to host the party at their house.

There will be a white elephant gift exchange among the first cousins. The entire generation of first cousins will bring a white elephant gift (anyone who wants to participate - in-laws are certainly welcome, but none of the children of Larry and Martha will participate in this.) Bring your white elephant gift - anything you choose, for this event.

There is a rotation gift exchange among the siblings - Robert and Chris have Steve, Steve has Marla, Marla and Gary have Judy and Roger, Judy and Roger have Sheila and John, Sheila and John have Penni and Arne, Penni and Arne have Cindy and Vern, and Cindy and Vern have Robert and Chris. Several people have been asking for or offering gift ideas, so check in with each other if you are in need of those. I'm also hearing lots of people who are interested in gift ideas for Mom and Dad. Dad has suggested homemade or service gifts.

Robert and Chris are overseeing the program this year and we'll be in touch with each of you for participation in the coming week. The party is scheduled for Sunday, December 23 at 6 p.m. We hope everyone possible can be there. Good luck on all your Christmas prep!