Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holiday Plans...

At Audra's baptism dinner last Saturday the question of holiday plans came up. Penni, Cindy, Marla, Mom and I were all discussing best night for the Packard family party. Our kids come into town on Sunday the 23rd in the morning, so that evening is my first choice. Does anyone else have family coming in and what are others' thoughts? We're wondering if Sheila and John are planning to come in from El Paso for the Christmas holidays. I'm also wondering what's happening with the gift exchange(s). Please weigh in and share your thoughts.

It's probably difficult to predict what the chemo schedule will be - I know it's been delayed until October 8 this next time and I don't think there's any way to predict that it will always be every three weeks after that. I think a variety of things can change the schedule. So I would suspect that holiday plans will be somewhat tentative depending on how Mom is feeling.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Martha Sep 14

As per usual, Martha is at the bottom of her chemo cycle. She has been quite weak yesterday and today. She got up while Judy was here and helped peal a few peaches. It doesn't take long to wear her out. At meal time, she eats a couple bites and can't eat any more. One good thing is that her shoulder that pained her so long is not hurting now. We don't quite know why, but we are glad for the relief. We thank all of you for your support.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Martha Sep 12

Martha had her second chemo Monday. She did fairly well. Today, Wed, her energy level is low. In some ways she thinks she is a little better than the Wed after her first chemo, but I think she has been a little lower. Thurs and Fri will be the rough days. Chris came for a visit which was appreciated. We appreciated Marla coming and fixing supper. Martha is ready for bed. Good night.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The New Look!

Thanks to Chris we got a picture on the blog. Give me your opinions of what you think about my new look.

Today has been a good day. I attended all my meetings - the whole block. I'm looking forward to an even better week.

(Chris's note): I think Grandma's voice sounds stronger and she looks better and less tired. It's good to see her looking good. The cough seems much better too.

And guess what! The right shoulder stopped hurting last Thursday when Sheila massaged me. Cindy also massaged it and it's much better - hasn't hurt at all since then. What an amazing relief!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Good Week!!!

Each day has been better than the day before!! I now have the "New Look"! Thurs. we bought me a nice wig so I will be ready for that GREAT day when I am a "baldy"!! Then on Fri. I had my hair cut the same as it and curled it and it really matches up well!! Daddy really likes it--me too, as the fans don't blow it all over!! He took some pictures and when I find out how to do it, I'll put one on here! We went with our "Fri. nite dinner gang" and games last nite--Dad won one game of Wizard! We drove and had Betty & Ray Wms. with us so we came home about 8, Larry found a football game to watch and I ended up in bedroom (it's warmer in there) and found "The Sound of Music" to watch until 10:30!! (I'm getting a little later each nite!!) Next week will be even better! and then the next Mon.(10th) we start again! Those 3-5 days of body aches arn't fun but I'll know what to look forward to! I want to thank all for your love, prayers, and support and help!! We love you-all, Mom & Dad (Grdma & Grdpa)